Dear Husband. Thanks for planning a date night this week. You always know exactly what I need.
Dear Sickness. I think 8 days is long enough for you to have been hanging around. I would like my energy back to. Oh, and my ability to breath would be great too. K, thanks.
Dear Houston. Now that you've perfected the word "daddy" lets work on "mommy", ok? I'm not jealous though, really. Also, I know you had pants on when we put you to bed last night. Why did you have none on when you woke up this morning? It won't be too much of a problem as long as you don't mess with the diaper.. Got it?
Dear New House. Wow. You are so much bigger than I realized. I still can't believe I live here. I am looking forward to putting everything in its place. Your walls are begging to be painted, and I promise we will get to them soon. I think the boxes left unpacked need to be tended to first!
Dear Kids. I am so proud of how well you've adjusted to our new home! It may be cheesy, but it really is true that home is wherever we are together.
Dear Readers. Thanks for sticking around. So blessed by every single one of you!
Brandy Jane Mabel