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"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

 photo 852-8044.jpg  photo 852-8028.jpg  photo 852-7976.jpg  photo 852-7993.jpg
Sienna: Enjoying winter when it isn't −30 out.
Coen: Waiting for a turn to ride.
Houston: Any time is a good time for jumping on a trampoline.
My 3: This week it is only my 2. Houston isn't as into speed as the older 2 yet!

Linking up HERE..
Inspiring posts from last weeks Project 52:
Lilia over at Skylark Love
and the Little one over at Urban Stills Photography!

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"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

 photo 752-7295.jpg  photo 752-7469.jpg  photo 752-7500.jpg  photo 752-7492.jpg
Sienna: I can't remember what she was pouting about, but she has the same fly away hair as me.
Coen: We have resorted to bikes indoors. We are so ready for spring, but it is still a few months away for us.
Houston: Dude like candy.
My 3: They all got sweaters for Valentines Day from us. We were sure they would get enough chocolate from others.. We were right.

Linking up HERE..
Inspiring posts from last weeks Project 52:
Eulalie over at One Claire Day and Penny over at Monkey + Squirrel

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"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

 photo 652-7343.jpg  photo 652-7374.jpg  photo 652-7214.jpg  photo 652-7387.jpg
Sienna: Watching cooking shows in our bed after school..
Coen: Bath time. I love to see him smile.
Houston: Chuck-e-Cheese cash. It's like gold to little ones.
My 3: Swimming lessons!

Linking up HERE..
Inspiring posts from last weeks Project 52:
Fletcher over at Chair and Chair
and Roman over at Live, Love, Simple!

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"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

 photo 552-6731.jpg  photo 552-8726.jpg  photo 552-6791.jpg  photo 552-4784.jpg
Sienna: Mornings with her..
Coen: Basketball. all.the.time
Houston: Wanderings while the older 2 are at school.
My 3: They are so different when it comes to art. It comes quite naturally to Sienna. Coen draws the same picture every time he puts a crayon to paper. He draws himself and whichever friend he may be thinking of at the time. Houston is similar.. He scribbles a few lines and calls it a plane!

Linking up HERE..
Inspiring posts from last weeks Project 52:
Lola over at Dani & Lola and all three lovelies over at Sunny and Scout!

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