My first official guest poster here people! I am so thrilled to be able to share a little of my space with Mckenzie. Have you met Mckenzie yet?
This girl has got it all.. She is a crafty one (in a good way of course). Her and her husband had an amazing DIY Christmas.. {see
PART 3}, she has got great style and is already more domesticated than I am.. {see
HERE}, and her faith in Christ is so evident in her life {see
Even though she makes me feel old I really like her.. REALLY.. SO read this post then
Hello, folks!
I'm Mckenzie Jean, from over at
If you follow my blog, you'll know that its typically a far cry from anything serious. I like trying to create a space where people can come and smile, and if I'm lucky, laugh.
But this post will be somewhere in the middle.
I'd love to share my testimony with you all!
The ultra condensed version, that is.
Lets just jump right in.
I'm the youngest of four.
I've grown up going to church.
And I loved it…mainly for the friends I'd met.
I loved going. Met so many incredible people, that I was sure I'd be friends with for the rest of my life. Friendships that began as early as elementary school, and continued well into high school.
I loved going to church and seeing these wonderful people.
But I also had a large group of friends from school.
I hate admitting that I was slightly different with each group.
I always stuck to my guns when it came to the "important stuff" morally, but I always loosened the reigns a bit more when it came to everything else.
Something (some would argue "God" ; ) ) inside of me always kept me from getting too close to that line, though. And I'm so thankful there was.
Because then in High School I met this boy.
and he needed me, in a way I couldn't imagine.
God was about to use me in a way I never saw coming.
We started dating.
He was the typical "bad boy"
(come on girls, you know exactly what I'm talking about)
the one with Robert Plant hair,
the one that spent his days at the skate park
the one that was in a band and played shows around town.
The one that got a tattoo for his 16th birthday.
The one most parents are not completely thrilled that their teenage daughter is bringing home…
But God had everything right where he wanted it.
We dated, I fell head over heels, and it was two months before we knew this would be a forever kind of love.
but then it happened, God swept in and wanted to get Davids attention. He loved David and wanted David to love him back. We were at the age where we both could have been easily influenced. I could have just as easily adapted the lifestyle of my boyfriend and friends, but God took care of me, and he took care of David.
So, he used what David loved most to grab his attention, me.
Like a light switch one day, God turned my feelings for David off.
I broke up with him, confused as can be as to why I feel so suddenly out of love.
I explained to David that I needed someone who loved Jesus, it was the most important thing to me, even if I wasn't good at living my life consistently like that.
Eventually I couldn't help it anymore, and we got back together.
But God wasn't ready for that.
So two more times I broke up with him.
Right before we got back together the last time, David told me he had fallen in love with Jesus again. He said unlike the other times, that this time, it wasn't for me. It was because it was what he had chosen.
From that point on we have been able to grow together with God. We stumble upon the way, quite frequently. But God is so good. So forgiving, and we're so undeserving.
We have a long way to go, but I'm glad we get to learn together.
I do have to tell you all I laughed to myself as soon as I read Mckenzie's post because I sing a song to the youth in my youth group that goes "don't date til you graduate".. Well, Mckenzie may not have followed my rules, but God worked it all out for His good, and I truly believe that these 2 are going to do some amazing things for the Lord as they keep Him in the center of their lives!
Thanks so much Mckenzie!!