

"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

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Sienna: When she got hurt Houston came to make sure she was okay. I felt bad snapping a picture while she was distraught, but I am so glad to have captured this sweet moment.
Coen: I am sure this is the 3rd time during this project his picture has involved a swing. Time to switch it up a bit.
Houston: Becoming Mr. independent. He must open his own doors, put on his own shoes, brush his own teeth. Everything takes a little longer, but I am happy to let him try!

Linking up HERE..
What I'm loving from last weeks' Project 52:
The sweet girl over at She Rhymes With Crazy,
and again loving Oana Befort!



"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

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Sienna: Worried about her pet ladybug. I thought it was a goner, but that thing is still alive somehow.
Coen: Upset I asked him to stand still for a minute while I tried out THIS technique. He let me take 1 shot.
Houston: Sandy sandwiches. Yum.

Linking up HERE..
Favorites from last weeks' Project 52:
A girl and her dog over at See You There,
 and These siblings from Emily's Three Things!



"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

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Sienna: Canola field dreams.
Coen: Mud and water make for a happy boy.
Houston: This boy and bubbles. Obsessed.

Linking up HERE..
Absolutely loved last weeks' portraits over at Hello Sisilia. Amazing.



"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

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Sienna: She wasn't to keen on having her picture taken at this moment. I am in love with this picture though!
Coen: Looking as sweet as ever.
Houston: Showing off that he can finally hold up his 2 fingers to tell everyone his age. Just in time for him to turn 3 soon! lol..

Linking up HERE..
Loving little Stella over at It's the Little Things
and all 3 littles over at Sunny & Scout
from last weeks Portrait 52.

Three / 52


We are now more than halfway through the year. Time and its passing is something I have spoken of before.. Watching my children transform before my eyes has never taught me more about the swiftness of a moment. I have so enjoyed this project of "a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013." These are my favorite 3 portraits of each of my loves.. I am looking forward to seeing what the second half of this year brings!

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Sienna: Watching you grow over this year has been amazing. Not only are you proving to be a dedicated student, you are also maturing to be a generous and loving young girl. I am so proud to be your mom.
Coen: My sweet-spirited boy. You have the tenderest heart. I love watching how you feel things so deeply and how those feelings compel you to love so intensely. I pray you never lose that.
Houston: You started this year being very much still my baby. We walked through long and difficult season, but my love for you was strengthened through it. As the baby fades I am seeing such a funny, loving little boy emerge. Three is quickly approaching!

Linking up HERE..

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