Dear Husband. Soon the painting will end. Soon the fixing will end. Soon the unpacking will end. Soon we will just be able to sit and enjoy. I can't wait for soon..
Dear Weather. You dumped snow on us last week, you are raining today, and you are supposed to bring us slushy snow tonight. Don't think you can get away with too much more of this just because you took it easy on us this winter. We are ready for spring. Bring it..
Dear Kids. Three nights in a row all of you have slept. That means that mommy has had 3 nights in a row of uninterrupted sleep. Thank you. Mommy is feeling better already so let's keep it up! Also, I am looking forward to spending the weekend with you guys doing some special stuff since I have to leave you for 2 days next week to go to the Pastor's conference. It is hard for me to be away from you guys, but I know you are going to have so much fun with Mimi and Papa!
Dear Sleep. I am looking forward to being reacquainted with you. Lets be friends again, okay?
Dear Jesus. I continue to be overwhelmed with gratefulness towards you. You are more than faithful. You are more than good. You are always more than enough for me.
Dear Photo Booth. Thanks for the fun!