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"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

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Sienna: When I look at you I see you as little yet grown all at once. You still love with fierce innocence.. I pray you will always keep that.
Coen: Your kindness and compassion are growing by the day. I'm sure you've made me weep more than 5 times this week. I love your heart.
Houston: I've always found that the difference between 3 and 4 are astounding. While we've still got a few months til 4, I see those changes starting to happen.

Linking up HERE..
Inspiring posts from last weeks Project 52:
Oscarlucinda and The Saga by Steinsdotter!

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"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

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A summer like day in black and white..

Linking up HERE..
Inspiring posts from last weeks Project 52:
Mascara & Mud and Workhouse!

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"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

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Sienna: Some outside art.
Coen: It is so great when they learn to swing on their own!
Houston: My sweet boy!
My 3: While I've kind of fallen off the wagon with my 3 and this is a pretty lame attempt I'm sticking with it..

Linking up HERE
Favorites from last weeks Project 52:
Alice over at Rebucado Acido
and Mila over at Little Red Vikings!

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"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

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We went out to our cousins' farm! It is so foreign from what we know as our everyday life. My kids are rather timid around most animals, but they seemed to warm up to them after a few hours (except for Houston). I wish we could get out there more often! I love it.

{{{see previous weeks}}}

Linking up HERE!
Inspiring posts from last weeks' Project 52:
The sweet guy over at I Wish I Had a Vespa
and the sweet girl over at Life, Love, and Syntax!

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"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

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Sienna: She helped catch frogs. This is big for a girl afraid of anything non human
Coen: Jump!
Houston: We are so grateful for warm days even if they are few and far between.

Linking up HERE..

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