My reality of my 'lately' has been not so pretty. I had a minor surgical procedure last week to deal with some problems I've been having after my 3 C-sections. I honestly thought I'd be up and running a few days after, but here I am a week later suffering.. ugh.. I've been nauseous for a week and they can't tell if it's stemming from the anesthetic or some sort of infection so I'm headed for an ultrasound this morning. It is difficult to observe your life and not really be able to participate in it. I experienced this while I was on bed rest with my last pregnancy, and I was hoping I would not have to experience it again. I realize this too will come to an end (hopefully soon), and in the meantime I am so grateful for my wonderful husband and supportive family! Here is some of my happier lately..
1. Houston has been putting himself down for naps lately. He will disappear for a bit, and when I go to find him he is asleep. Sometimes in his bed, sometimes in my bed, and sometimes in his brothers bed..
2. He thinks our banisters are monkey bars. I tell him they are not.
3. My boys love paper airplanes. I do too.
4. Love how he loves his dad.
5. Always happy to be home from school. I still have yet to get used to full days of school. I miss her so much when she's gone.
6. My husband bought the boys boxing gloves. He did not consult me first..
7. I told Coen to hit him for making such a silly purchase.. Kidding.. Kind of.. For real though I don't really mind them as long as they remember its a sport.. Not just an excuse to punch people randomly.
8. He bought Sienna flowers.
9. Brothers. There is something special about them. I have only 1 sister so I never experienced being around little boys much growing up. It's been fun so far with these 2.
10. Me. The only picture you will see me in of this week of my life considering I have
barely looked in a mirror..
Linking up..