I need to grow!


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The Lord often makes me laugh.. In a good way, of course.
Last week I had to speak at our Ladies' ministry morning (hence my quietness around here), and usually when I am speaking I will have something in mind quite a while before. Not this time, however. By Sunday morning I was praying frantically and begging the Lord to give me a word! He is always so faithful to come through for me, it is funny that I even doubt Him in the first place.
The word came to me early at church Sunday morning, and Monday I sat down to start putting it all together. Little did I know the tests that would come to me in the areas I would be speaking on. Sight, speech, and service..
I spoke on aligning these areas with the Lord to ensure we stay securely on His path for us! Well, as I was writing this message, I struggled to see any good in my messy house and over-tired/needy kids. I struggled to speak positively about much of anything. I felt tired and left with nothing to give.
However, I KNEW this was what the Lord laid on my heart, not only for myself but also for those the Lord had blessed me with the opportunity to speak to. I KNEW I needed to regain some victory in these areas before I brought it before my church family. Can I be honest here? It wasn't easy, but the Lord supplied in every battle I faced throughout the days leading up, and I am continuing to see the areas I need to align even more.
It amazes me that He does not require perfection in order to see use for me. In my weakness He is made strong! As strange as it may sound, I am excited to be stretched even more in these areas. I want to see as He sees. I want to speak life, not death. I want to pour my life out in service so that my Heavenly Father may be glorified!

Linking up..

How I survive -43


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It is -43 here today with the windchill.

It is supposed to be +3 by Friday.

Oh, Canada.

Here is my survival method:

Put on some bright colors & warm socks.

Let your daughter skip school.

Stay inside.

That's all.

Stay warm friends!



"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

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We'll just call this week "car ride."
Linking up HERE..

Dear Thanks..


Today, today I'm feeling blessed. I said to my husband last night that I just wanted to stay home all day, but I knew I needed to go and get blood work done that I'd been putting off for some time. So, this morning I forced myself to get up early, get all the kids ready, drop Sienna off for school, and take the boys to my husband. After all of that I realized that I needed to fast for the blood work I was to have done, but I had already drank a coffee so would have to put off the blood work again! My husband suggested I still take the hour for myself. Of course I will take the hour for myself! It had been ages since I had been out on my own. I headed to a nearby chapters, grabbed a latte, and browsed the store.. I left with a few goodies (all 75% off), and thanked God for making good of the mess that had seemed to be my day!

I'm slowly making my way through Ann Voskamps, "One Thousand Gifts," and I love what I read last night..

"Feel thanks and it's absolutely impossible to feel angry."

I'm going to practice this more..

My finds. Yes, that is a Katie Daisy calendar which I got for $4!

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Linking up with..



"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

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Houston: Peek-a-boo!
Coen: My kid is such a hipster..
Sienna: She was serious about her snowman building!

See previous weeks HERE..

I know a few of you said you might start this project. If you have leave me your link, if not, start now! It's never too late :)

Linking up HERE..

Stolen Contentment


I sat down to write earlier about how content I felt. Then a whole lot of life happened and that 'perfect-balance' eutopia swiftly dissipated into the abyss of dirty diapers and "I want to play rather than sleep" toddlers. As I return though to empty my thoughts, while I still hear little voices in the background, I will not let a hint of chaos steal my contentment. My life is full, rich beyond measure. Contentment does not require perfection, it requires perspective. While my perspective can change day to day, even minute to minute, I want to live in the place where I allow the Lord to open my eyes if ever I have them shut. Shut to the goodness surrounding me, the blessings bestowed on me, the beauty that is my life.  God is with me. I need nothing more than the assurance of His faithfulness!

Home Tour: Family Room



When we bought this house earlier this year I knew I would want to overhaul the family room. We have a 4 level split and this room is on the 3rd level. There is a nice big window, but only 1, and since it is such a big space the dark floors just made it feel small and dark. I know some people will call me crazy for painting hardwood floors white, but I am so in love with them! They turned out better than expected. And what is with all this color? I'm not sure what has happened to my fear of color, but I think it is safe to say it is long gone!

We knew we wanted a pretty substantial coffee table, so we actually found a dining table and cut it down to coffee table height (I'm terrible at remembering to take before pictures). The best part about it is when we have large groups over there is a leaf we can put in to make it even bigger! It is perfect for game nights.. if only I could get my husband to play games!

My desk is probably my favorite part of the room. I wanted to use up every inch of this little nook so we went custom. And by custom I mean cheap! The plywood cost us about $10 and my husband just cut it to fit, and the legs were also $10 each from Ikea (here). For $30 I could not be happier with the results! I do plan on sealing the wood at some point since I have got a sliver or two! lol..

While I've still got a few shelves to fill and need to find a piece for the tv to sit on I am loving this space! My goal was to create a comfortable eclectic space that is meant to feel 'imperfect'. I think I've achieved exactly that and I look forward to the many nights spent with my family here!



make a gif

This kids pout is a game changer.. He really is hard to say no to..

Week 2/52


I have never done a photo project as I have been afraid to commit to something I may not be able to finish.. However, when I saw James' project on Bleubird I knew I wanted to give it a try.."a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013." SO, I've already missed week one, but here it goes..  photo jan1of3_zps98e79e22.jpg  photo jan3of3_zps8072d440.jpg  photo jan2of3_zpsed99cfa7.jpg
Sienna: She wasn't really sleeping. She was laying there watching cooking shows. Something she loves to do..
Houston: Hello drool.. I wonder if it will ever go away?!
Coen: It may not be the best picture, but it represents my boy well!

Have you all started any projects? Leave your link below, I'd love to check them out!

Dear Blog Design..


Dear Readers. I apologize for my constant changing of my blog design. I can never get it quite right. This time I think I've come pretty close. We will see how long it lasts! What do you think, anyway?
Dear Blogger. Thanks to the complete uselessness of your "customize" section, I am now quite well versed in HTML. Seriously, mine won't work AT ALL. If I try to change anything in the 'advanced' section nothing happens. I had to go and change everything myself in the HTML. Has anyone else experienced this problem?
Moving on..
Dear Sun. Thanks for shining. Even though it is painfully cold out I am so grateful that you continue to show yourself!
Dear Greek Yogurt. Shame on you. You come off as a 'healthy' snack so I eat the whole tub in 24 hours cause you are oh.so.yummy, only to read the back and find out that I might as well have eaten an entire chocolate cake to myself instead. Next time I will get the fat free stuff and add my own honey thank you very much..
Dear Fawcett Tattoos. Thanks to you guys I am now a published photographer! That is so amazing to me, and I am so grateful that you guys let me be a part of this awesome opportunity!

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Dear Readers (again). Praying you all have a wonderful weekend. Maybe spend some extra quiet time with the Lord. You probably won't regret it..

Linking up:

So we may grow in wisdom..



When I think of time and it's passing I am consumed by a plethera of emotion. I know I have spoken often on this subject as it relates to my children and their growing by the minute, but I have come to realize that I struggle with times' inevitable passing in many areas of my life. I am grateful for every minute I am given here on this earth for I know this is not my home (phil 3:20). At the same time, I struggle with the finality of every passing breath as one that I can not get back. I think of all the minutes wasted, thrown away on meaningless worries- wasteful entertainments- general time wasters.. I have come to realize though that this elevated consciousness of how fleeting time really is is a gift although I have been scorning it.

"Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom."
Psalm 90:12

I have been asking God to remove this struggle from my emotions rather than allowing God to use it to edify my spirit, to make me more like Him. Today, I am thankful for His word and the light that it brings to places that once seemed dark and desolate. I am thankful that His word transforms that what seems wrong to become something that is fitting and right. So Lord, teach me and help me grow!

Apples of Gold

Oh, Weekend {V.2}



1. Boys be chillin'
2. We attempted to move Houston to his big boy bed. I wasn't really ready for it be he asked so I figured I'd go with it. Turns out he's not ready either..
3. I love these glasses. I have numerous pictures of my kids with them on and they ALL make me laugh.
4. Five guys with fries.. Winner every time. Except I never get to eat any peanuts cause I am too busy opening them for the kids..
5. This kid just hangs out in his bathing suit all the time.. I'm okay with it.
6. My husband taking communion with our 2 oldest (Houston's trying to get in on the action). Love how he teaches them..

Dear Happy Mail..



Dear Gina.. I have to send out a huge thank you to you! (see Gina's blog). Thank you for the sweetest gift and the sweetest words. I have been hugely blessed by this not so little blog world. It is amazing to be connected in a little way to so many amazing women across the planet.
Dear Husband.. Thank you so much for all your hard work to paint our wood floors white! They look amazing (pictures to come soon), better than I imagined even.
Dear Christmas Break.. I am sad that you are coming to an end. I have so enjoyed having Sienna home and having the whole family together so much. Back into routine we must go though!
Dear Winter.. If you could just be as mild as you've been this week we could get along a lot better than we have in the past. It was so nice to let the kids go play in the snow without worrying they may lose a limb or two to frostbite..
Dear Breakfast.. Could you please make yourself. I really don't feel like it today. No? Fine, off I must go then..

Have a blessed weekend friends! Maybe do something you always say you'll do but never get around to.. You probably won't regret it!




My husband sent me this quote yesterday. It was perfectly what I had been needing. Casey Wiegand always picks a "word" for the year. I like that idea and have been trying to think of one for days.. After my husband sent this to me it clicked.. "Closer." That is my word for this year. Closer to my Savior. Closer to my family and those the Lord has given to me; and from a different perspective, I want to bring others closer to the Love of Christ. I have never been big on resolutions. I believe we should always be open to changing ourselves at anytime of year. Open to allowing God's molding and shaping to take place so we may resemble Him more and more.. This year though, I want to be closer..

What is your "word" ?

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