Create in me a new heart..


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Deep in thought.. It's where I've been lately. I feel like the Lord is changing me (isn't He always). Changing the deepest places of my heart. It is sad that at times we don't even notice the areas of our heart that have been neglected, covered in dust and cobwebs. Until the Lord comes, gently blowing away the layers of oversight. Bringing light to the places of the heart that are cold and lifeless. Painful at times, yes. But, Thy will be done.. 



"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

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Sienna: Pretty princess during snack time.
Coen: Pirates play golf but only with one sock on.
Houston: Show me your muscles..

Linking up HERE..

Spring Cleaning!


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I wish this photo was taken here, but it was taken while we were on vacation in Palm Springs (hoping to have those pictures up soon!) While all I see is white when I look outside, I am starting to forcing myself to start thinking about spring cleaning. There is something that feels so good about starting fresh. Cleaning out the unwanted and unused that can clutter not only a house but a life as well!

I came across this amazingly detailed project "8 weeks to a less cluttered home." While this will probably follow me well into the summer months, I am determined to get through it all! My husband and I like to think of ourselves as passionate purgers. Even so, it baffles me how quickly stuff seems to accumulate. I am looking forward to simplifying. I love how each daily 'task' is not too big which makes it much less overwhelming. Perhaps not quite enough though since I've had this printed and sitting on my desk for the past month and still have yet to begin!

I have a few other areas of my life that I am itching to clean up as well. My email boxes are overflowing with old messages! This week I went through and unsubscribed from all of those random emails that have made there way to my inbox. I am looking forward to seeing 'Inbox empty' in my near future! The other area I need to clean up on my computer is the giant amount of picture files. This is probably my most overwhelming task at hand. I've nailed down a better system of how I save/sort my files over the past few months, but all of the choas that took place before that needs to be taken care of. There are far too many unused and unwanted pictures just taking up precious space. Ugh...

Any other brilliant lists out there I should see before I commend "Project Declutter"?

While on the topic of organizing.. The impending death of Google Reader come July is unfortunate. You can follow me over on Bloglovin' though!

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"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

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The kids helping me set up for a shoot. Coen and Houston were less than impressed.

Linking up HERE..

Dear Gratitude..


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"My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water.. Your unfailing love is better than life itself.."
Psalm 63

Dear Lord... Today I am again choosing thankfulness. I have many things to be grateful for..
Dear Healing Process.. I am thankful for Sienna's eye healing quickly. She had to wear the patch for 24 hours, but she was able to have it off last night and just needs drops for the next few days.
Dear Sickness.. I am thankful that I am finally starting to feel a bit better. Today is the first day since Monday where I can be up for more than 10 minutes at a time without feeling like I may pass out.
Dear Husband.. I am thankful that you did not complain about coming home to a messy house everyday this week. I am thankful that you cleaned up every night so I wouldn't have to wake up to the shambles I had left behind. 
Dear Coen and Houston.. I am thankful that you were content to entertain yourselves this week. I am sure you enjoyed the small large amount time you spent watching television.
Dear Television.. This week I am very thankful for you. I have a love/hate relationship with technology, but there are times when it can be a blessing.
Dear Friends & Readers.. I am thankful for you all and I am praying you would have a blessed weekend. Make your moments count. I am going to try my best to do the same!

Linking up...

Where has normal gone?


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I can barely remember what 'normal' feels like around here. We have been bombarded by one sickness after another for the past month and a half. This week I have been struck by a hit-by-a-truck illness, and yesterday Sienna had her eye scratched pretty badly. She is not impressed at all with having to wear a patch. Poor girl. I am looking foward to getting back into a semi-normal routine hopefully sometime soon. One where I have the energy to clean my house again. One where my kids are happy and healthy and playful. For now, I shall return to the couch and snuggle with Sienna as I pray for the strength to make it until my husband gets home!



"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

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They all had a great time getting their faces painted while we were away!

Linking up HERE..


I didn't get a chance to post this while we are away, but I want to keep it documented so here it is now!

"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

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Sienna: My pretty girl. Stop growing please.
Coen: Daddy took the lenses out of some old glasses. Classic.
Houston: Playing with his brothers money. He sat here for a long time taking it out and putting it back in.

Linking up HERE..

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