Made New..


 if anyone is in Christ,
he is a new creation,
the old has gone,
the new has come.
2 Corinthians 5:17

I love new things. There is just something so exciting about opening something for the first time. Fresh, crisp bed sheets; an empty journal waiting to be filled; a new box of crayons for my kids.. In their prime. Ready, just waiting to be used. We are made that way by the grace of our Lord! He has washed us clean, made us new. There are days that I definitely forget my newness and take on the old. Take on the dirt, the unclean. Take on the weight of all the things I lack in and of myself. However, I am made new.. Perfectly formed for the purpose the Lord is calling me to. I cast off the old, and I remind myself that the Lord makes up for my lack. He fills in all that is missing. So, I am ready..

Are you ready to be used?


  1. I love this! Especially chewed on your line, "the Lord makes up for my lack." Isn't that the truth! I am weak but, he is strong and through Him alone we are able to do all things. PRaise God and what a lovely post!

  2. Yes I am! And amen to this post! Sweet examples of newness, I LOVED that part, and this is one of my favorite verses!!!

  3. Was just pondering on that verse tonight at my bible study. So glad I am a new creation in Christ!

  4. yes! and amen, sweetie! what an awesome truth. :)



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