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So, the first post I ever wrote on this blog was written 1 year ago from tomorrow. I didn't know if I would even enjoy blogging when I began since I could never get myself to journal. I didn't know if anyone would be interested in reading it. I didn't know what I would write about. All I knew a year ago is that I wanted to give it a try and see what became of it! I am so glad I did. While it has had it's ups and downs, and I still feel like I haven't really found my focus for this blog, it has been a blessing in my life in so many ways. It has caused me to be creative. There are so many inspiring people I have come across that have pushed me to try new things! It has caused me to focus on the positive. I want my voice to be uplifting, never negative. It has caused me to be real. While I want to be positive, I never want to come across as having it all figured out (which anyone who knows me KNOWS that is not the case lol). It has caused me to be more attentive. The little things in life seem magnified. I never thought that something that seemed so small would have caused me to grow in so many big ways. That may sound strange to some, but however strange it is true. I am so thankful for this little space of mine! Thanks to those who have faithfully read from the beginning, and thank you to those who have joined along the way! I pray that this would continue to be a place that will bring encouragement to whoever happens to stop by!
A year already! I cannot believe how fast time is passing by. May we all make the most of every moment, as we are in it. I am always blessed by your refreshing blog, my friend. Hugs.