Too soon for Christmas?


I have never been one to do a tremendous amount of decorating for the holidays (we didn't even put up our tree last year), but this year I would like to put in a little more effort than I have before. Our new house has so many beautiful places to display pretty things so I've been doing a little research (and by that I mean searching Pinterest) to figure out what type of 'look' I should go for.. I am leaning towards colorful & fun. It is a stretch for me considering my fear of color and my love for white, so we shall see...


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9
I couldn't find the source for #8 arg!


  1. I'm doing a little research pinterest...haha. I loved that part. :)

  2. Those are all beautiful! My favorites are 1, 4 and 7. You'll have to show us what your home ends up looking like!!



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