The boys in my life..


There is something so special to me about all of these little men in my life. They just melt my heart. Not only am I blessed to have my 2 boys, I also have 4 nephews (2 in Newfoundland) with one more nephew on the way!! I love watching these boys play. I find it such a contrast to how girls play. These boys play together for hours without speaking much at all. Silently communicating with one another about what tasks to take on next! I do equally love the sounds of little girls chattery play (most of the time..), but little boys are something sweet..

All of these boys in my life have a thing for tractors.. It really is the perfect combination. Boys and tractors. Tractors are rugged and tough. Just like little boys pretend to be ;)

Ethan my nephew - I love his sensitive spirit!

Ethan was making Coen laugh hysterically by kicking some grass. Yep, kicking grass cracks me up every time too! Coen looks up to Ethan so much. He follows him around trying to do everything that Ethan does. I am so thankful Coen has such a wonderful little boy to model himself after!

These boys here are 2 peas in a pod. Lincoln is 6 weeks younger than Coen and they thoroughly enjoy being with each other! They get crazy hyper together, and crazy mad at one another. It's perfect. 

My nephew Lincoln - says the cutest things!

These boys were though to take pictures of together! They didn't listen at all so I just snapped away as they played! Boys will be boys right?

Little Rednecks..
I couldn't leave out a shot of this little man. I am looking forward to seeing how he grows to interact with his cousins, and I am so glad for the new little boy coming soon! They will be the perfect playmates!


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