

"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

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This weeks portraits via the iPhone thanks to my camera needing repairs..
Sienna: Enjoying one of her gifts from her birthday party! She was so blessed. (I always feel the need to explain the pictures of strangers/models in our frames.. We got the frames from a clothing store which they used for their window displays and I haven't changed them out yet. They've only been hanging for a year already.. Doing that soon.. Seriously..)
Coen: Helping out with all of the snow. Here's hoping his enthusiasm for it remains for the next 5 months.
Houston: Messy face. Perfect light.

Linking up HERE..
Favorites from last weeks Project 52:
Advay over at The Art Side
and Chloe over at Forever Lovely!


  1. Beautiful pictures, love the light in all of them!

  2. best iphone pics I've ever seen! especially love the snow pic. I have to share that your portraits have consistently been my favorites so many weeks out of this whole portrait a week project. always amazed at how you find and capture the good light!

    1. Oh, wow! Thank you so much Meryl! I've so enjoyed this project, and finding good light is like an addiction for me lol!

      Be blessed!
      Brandy Jane Mabel



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