If you think of me..


I am making a public request. If you think of me tomorrow morning I would be so grateful if you could pray for me. See, while I have been looking forward to our trip to Palm Springs there has been one thing holding me back from being overly excited about it. Flying. I have been on many planes in my lifetime. While I have never liked it, the older I have gotten the more my dislike for it has grown. This past year or so this dislike has turned into something more. Fear. The thought of flying no longer makes me just a little nervous, it has actually kept me awake in the night. This fear has caused my anxiety to increase to a point where it makes me physically ill. A few weeks ago I even had the thought that we should cancel the trip altogether. I knew I could not. I had vowed to myself that I would not let this fear effect my family. The anxiety has decreased these past few weeks while I have been praying about this fear and asking the Lord to break it off me. However, I have become increasingly aware of the root of fear. Lack of trust.. Do I trust you Lord? With everything? My life? My kids? And while I would like to shout out a confident, YES!, The fact that this fear still grips me from time to time speaks otherwise. Tomorrow I am going to get on that plane. I AM going to trust Him. I am believing for this fear to be gone, but I covet your prayers. I feel as though I am in a battle zone. I can already taste the victory, but I don't want one little bump of turbulence to steal it away. So, if you think of me... Pray! 

{{{ Thank You! }}}

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  1. i know what you mean. the taking off and landing are what have me gripping my seat. but don't worry, the Lord has you in His hands and He will calm your fears. :)



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