Grade 1


Ok ya'll, I am aware that my "little" blog break turned into somewhat of a big one. I'm kind of sad about it though because we did so many things this summer that would have been worth documenting. Please bear with me as I play a little catch up 'round here..

First things first though.. My Sienna lost her first tooth and started grade 1 in the same week! I have to devote an entire post to her tooth story because it is just too funny not to share so be sure to check back soon for that one!

So, she is off to grade 1! We are on our 3rd day today and I still have mixed emotions about the whole thing. The thought of being away from Sienna all day, everyday, was excruciating for me. I figured that once she started and I saw how much she loved it my heart would change and it would be tolerable. Unfortunately, that has not been the case so far. Sienna loves people. She loves being occupied and busy. She loves being given things to accomplish. She LOVED kindergarten. She would come home everyday excited and beaming over all the activities she got to participate in that day.. For some reason though this week she has come home and has had very little to say about her days in grade 1. She has cried a few times asking if she can go back to kindergarten.  Perhaps it is a result of the long days and different schedule, but whatever the cause it is breaking this mommy's heart.

I am praying that God would keep her heart soft and sustain her as she adjusts to this new season of life. I am also praying that God would give me the right words of encouragement to help her.. I just love her so much..

Sorry to be kind of a downer.. Has anyone else had a similar experience?


  1. Aww poor Sienna! I had a hard time adjusting too! Switching over from playing all day to sitting in a desk and learning... yeah, bring me back to playtime.

    She'll do great! Don't worry!

    Love you guys!




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