While away and still away..


Missing this place! Just had to check in and share something I am really excited about..

My husband and I are getting ready to take a team of youth to the L.A Dreamcenter for a week! We leave in just over 7 days from now. We are so grateful for such an opportunity! It will be the longest I have EVER been away from my babies. 8 days! Pray for us if you think of us. That the team would be used to bring breakthrough and speak truth to peoples lives.. That is my heart, and I know it is theirs as well. So excited to see the Lord use these wonderful young people, and I am so proud that they have made themselves available in this way.

I am hoping to return to blogging after we get home!


P.S.. I've been enjoying life with these ones while away.. 


  1. I love you and your lovely family. Missed reading your blog. Nice to see you again. You are in my prayers, dear friend.



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