My dining room wall..


Remember this color palette?

Well, I feel like a miracle occurred in my household for 2 reasons..
  1. I chose a color! I allowed my love for white and my fear of color be thrown out the window and I have painted my dining room wall a lovely Peachy-Pink! (Warming Toes by Para Paints)
  2. The second miracle is that my husband actually agreed to this! I figured there was no way he would ever be okay with having such a feminine color on the wall. He agreed though, and he even painted the wall himself. What a great man I have!

I am really loving it!  I promise to get some pictures up in the future (hopefully the not-too-distant future). Now I feel like I may expand my love for color and pick some more vibrant colors for some of my other rooms! Any suggestions? What colors are you loving right now?


  1. I love that feeling of accomplishment. We recently painted part of our hallway and need to move on to the bedroom.

    I love that color scheme!



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