Creating House Rules


I have never been one to think of myself as creative or crafty in any sort of way. I'm not really, but  access to Pinterest and many other creative resources seems to have inspired creativity in me that I never knew I had! This weekend much of my time was spent on crafts of many kinds. The kids made clothes pin snowmen, decorated a canvas, painted, and poured an entire container of sparkles out which are now scattered throughout the house! The important thing is that they had fun, right? I am glad that they enjoy creating! It makes a lot of work and clean up for me, but it is worth it in the end..

I did my share of creating this weekend as well.. Remember that project I said I had started? {find that here} Well, I completed it!

House Rules!

Love Jesus
Encourage Your Siblings...Share In Their Joy
Always Tell The Truth
Obey Your Parents
Use Kind Words
Have Fun
Ask First. Be A Giver
Share Everything {except bad ideas}
Say What You Are Sorry For
Forgiveness Is Mandatory
Hands Are For Hugging. Not For Hitting
Never Stay Angry
BE: Considerate, Respectful, Grateful

Ok, did you find my spelling mistake? I'll let you look for it! I am going to fix it before I hang it!


  1. LOVE IT!!!! And I've been hooked on Pinterest since you told me about it! There are soooo many things that inspire the dormant creativity in me! :)

  2. I ADORE THIS! What an awesome idea, it's so pretty too, the design! Glad I found your precious blog! Happily following! I love your blog design and header too, so pretty!

  3. Love this Brandy. And you are pretty darn crafty girl!;)

  4. Love it! Great job, I've seen several "house rules" on Pinterest that I really love. Haven't gotten around to making my own yet.



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