


Coen's 4th birthday was a few weeks ago. I find picking birthday and Christmas gift for my kids difficult. I want to get them something they will enjoy, but I also want it to be meaningful and useful! We certainly do not need more toys! My husband came up with the perfect gift for him. See, Coen is obsessed with sports. He pretty much loves every kind of sport, but he seems to favor football. Jeremy and I find this very strange because neither of us are particularly 'sporty' nor have we ever faithfully followed any sport. Coen, however, seems to have a natural talent for sports. The kid can throw a football better than I can! So, we got him a football jersey for his birthday. He wore it every day for an entire week. He sleeps with it hanging on his bed rail. I'd say it was a success!

Sienna's birthday is coming up in December (she is a Christmas Eve baby). I am open to any suggestions for a great gift for a 6 year old girl!


  1. I could just kiss that kid's face!! So sweet!

  2. Good gift choice! I have the same issue. We do NOT need anymore toys. I'm always struggling to find gifts that Noah will use AND that is not going to just add to his messy toy collection.

  3. How cute! Isn't it funny how our children can develop such interests, and desires aside from what ours are, its awesome!

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  4. Awweee! So sweet!

  5. Happy birthday Cohen! He is a DOLL!



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