I am here.. kind of..


Wow.. It has been a while. My absence is due to one crazy week we've had. The flu worked its way through our house 1 by 1, me included. Not pretty. Not that I want my kids to be sick at all, but if they have to be it would be nice to get it all done and over with in one night rather than 3 separate nights.. and why does the throwing up always happen at night instead of the day? Strange. Anyways, we all made it through!

We also had 2 open houses over the weekend. It is hard to keep 3 young kids in the house while trying to keep it showing ready. Lets just say they watched a lot of movies..
The good news..
We accepted an offer on our house this week! YES! We are so pleased with the couple buying our place. A young couple with their first baby on the way. It feels easier to let go when I know this house will be a blessing to a new young family. It made all the work we put in worth it, even though we won't be the ones to enjoy it.

Anyways, I am hoping to keep up a little more around here but we'll see. I now have only 4 weeks to get all packed and moved. Oi..

Here are a few pictures of my wonderful kids who have put up with so much crazy around here the past few weeks. I will be glad to set up our new house and find our new normal soon!

and then, she {snapped}


  1. I hear ya Brandy- The flu hit is here too.... thank goodness it was during the long weekend. Congratulations about the house! Sweet deal!
    Love Reanna

  2. Too cute! Love their little hats- sp precious!

  3. Aw cuties! PTL on the sale of your house! Good news, thanks for sharing! (I forget, you have a new home already, right to move into)
    Cheers and you'll be in my prayers for strength and patience,
    and ya, why does it always happen at night, i don't get that?

  4. I hope you all get better soon! Congratulations on selling your house!!! As a kid, my family moved twelve times and I had four younger siblings... having kids and open houses is hard! I would be at my wits end.

    New follower :)

  5. I'm glad you're all feeling better. And congratulations on selling your house!



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